Towards the ultimate product experience

Online and In-store

Bringing In-store product experiences to e-commerce

The world is in 3D, consumer products are in 3D, so why should we shop for products online in 2D?

Based upon this premise, back in 2006 we started to imagine and prototype a unique way of interacting with products using 3D technology.

After photos, videos and 360° visuals, for us 3D seemed to be a natural next step for product marketing content. In 2011, thanks to global advancements in IT and with the introduction of HTML5, we were able to start developing the technology we had imagined.

We created Emersya to offer a universal medium that allows consumers to fully experience products online, through high-end, fluid, real-time 3D rendering that they can interact with freely.

Introducing digital product experiences to retail

Emersya's all-in-one medium brings a new realm of possibilities to the way products are experienced by consumers. It helps bridge the gap between screens and stores by offering the best of both, online and in-store.

Introducing digital experiences in-store allows brands to overcome the constraints of limited floor space and stock availability.

With Emersya, customers can discover and interact with the full product range in 3D & AR, and even get a better understanding of internal product components, technology and material composition, thanks to exploded and transparent views.

Emersya makes it possible to offer unique in-store product personalization experiences and an immersive way for customers to preview and choose from all the possible configurations of a product, in real-time 3D and Augmented Reality.

Pioneering high-end real-time 3D online and making it accessible for everyone

To make Emersya's technology a universal medium, we committed ourselves to developing our own complete, yet user friendly platform. Our goal is to empower every brand to publish models and create the most advanced product experiences in minutes, without the need for advanced technical knowledge.

Our award-winning technology has been developed 100% in-house and our team is constantly improving, updating and innovating the Emersya platform to help brand marketers push the boundaries of online product experiences.

Innovating continuously to stay one step ahead

Being pioneers and leaders in the area of immersive product experiences, innovation is one of our core values. Emersya is constantly developing new features and concepts to respond to the largest number of use cases for 3D & AR over the course of a product's entire lifecycle and across all product sectors.

Our innovative solutions now enable brands to leverage 3D and digital assets from the start of their product development processes; for product prototyping, colorway creation & validation; to marketing content creation, sales, production, and consumers studies.

We love challenges, so if you have projects which enter our scope we will be happy to take them on with you. Contact us to start brainstorming ideas together today, to create the innovative product experiences of tomorrow.

Challenge Us

Award winning innovations

Emersya's technology is the result of more than 12 years of R&D. It has been fully developed in-house and if offers exclusive quality and features

i-LAB - 2014

Major award from the French Ministry of Research and Eductation, for the most promising and innovative technology

Coup de Pousse - 2013

Award from the South of France region for best growth potential for an innovative technology
They have supported us from the beginning